TCHRT V3.00 Registration Name ______________________________ Company ______________________________ Address __________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip ___________________________________________________________ Telephone _______________________ Got TCHRT from _________________________ Version 3 Single Language Timer Toolboxes. Includes large & small model libraries (C), full library source, support by US Mail or Compuserve Email. License does not permit commercial distribution of object code. Qty _____ TCHRT V3 for Turbo C @ $20.00 each ..................... _______ Qty _____ MSCHRT V3 for Microsoft C @ $20.00 each ................ _______ Qty _____ TPHRT V3 for Turbo Pascal 5 & 5.5 @ $20.00 each ........ _______ Version 4 Timer Toolbox. Supports TC & MSC in small, medium, compact, and large models, Turbo Pascal 5 & 5.5. 20 additional functions to manage timers, profile interrupts, generate synchronous alarms, run the timer tick interrupt at a user specified rate. Two standalone utilities time execution and profile interrupts of most executable programs without recompilation. Full library source in C & Pascal included. Printed manual. Support by telephone, US Mail or Compuserv Email. License permits commercial distribution of object code. Qty ______ PCHRT V4.00 @ $49.95 each ............................. _______ Shipping in USA @ $2.00 .......................................... _______ Shipping outside USA @ $4.00 ..................................... _______ Subtotal ......................................................... _______ Michigan residents add 4% ........................................ _______ Total enclosed ................................................... _______ Payment method: ___Check ___Money Order ___VISA ___MasterCard Card # ____________________________________________ Exp _________ Signature _________________________________________ Remit to Ryle Design, P.O. Box 22, Mt. Pleasant, MI 48804 Credit card customers may order by Email on Compuserve to 73047,1765, or by telephone at (517) 773-0587. This is a voice mail system. Leave your name and number in voice mailbox #2, and your call will be returned and your order taken. Thank you!